Fixed shaped crafting, added cheaper chains

Made chains give 3 instead of 1 when crafted, making chainmail a bit cheaper to craft. This is due to chainmail having the same protection rating as Gold, but having the same durability as Iron. Before, it was pointless to craft chainmail as it was weaker than iron yet cost a little bit more than iron armor due to the use of iron nuggets along with one iron ingot. Also, fixed crafting for the helmet and boots.
This commit is contained in:
Paul Reilly 2020-07-11 11:35:56 -05:00
parent c6a770a1fa
commit 062c5c9cad
11 changed files with 99 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,12 @@

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@ -3,13 +3,24 @@ package dev.coomware;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe;
public class Chainmail extends JavaPlugin {
public static Chainmail plugin;
public Server server;
public void onLoad() {
plugin = this;
server = getServer();
public void onEnable() {
new CheaperChains(this);
Bukkit.getLogger().info("Successfully added new recipes for chainmail armor.");
Bukkit.getLogger().info("This plugin was made by CoomWare.");
@ -23,9 +34,11 @@ public class Chainmail extends JavaPlugin {
private void newRecipes() {
//New namespaced keys for identification for each new recipe.
NamespacedKey key1 = new NamespacedKey(this, "chain_helmet_recipe");
NamespacedKey key1a = new NamespacedKey(this, "chain_helmet_alternate");
NamespacedKey key2 = new NamespacedKey(this, "chaim_chest_recipe");
NamespacedKey key3 = new NamespacedKey(this, "chain_pants_recipe");
NamespacedKey key4 = new NamespacedKey(this, "chain_boots_recipe");
NamespacedKey key4a = new NamespacedKey(this, "chain_boots_alternate");
//Define the final item to create
ItemStack helmet = new ItemStack(Material.CHAINMAIL_HELMET);
@ -35,19 +48,25 @@ public class Chainmail extends JavaPlugin {
//Initialize new recipe instances
ShapedRecipe chelm = new ShapedRecipe(key1, helmet);
ShapedRecipe chelmA = new ShapedRecipe(key1a, helmet);
ShapedRecipe cchest = new ShapedRecipe(key2, chest);
ShapedRecipe cpants = new ShapedRecipe(key3, pants);
ShapedRecipe cboots = new ShapedRecipe(key4, boots);
ShapedRecipe cbootsA = new ShapedRecipe(key4a, boots);
//Define the shape of the recipes
chelm.setIngredient('c', Material.CHAIN);
chelm.setIngredient('a', Material.AIR);
chelmA.setIngredient('c', Material.CHAIN);
chelmA.setIngredient('a', Material.AIR);
cchest.setIngredient('c', Material.CHAIN);
cchest.setIngredient('a', Material.AIR);
@ -57,11 +76,15 @@ public class Chainmail extends JavaPlugin {
cboots.setIngredient('c', Material.CHAIN);
cboots.setIngredient('a', Material.AIR);
cbootsA.setIngredient('c', Material.CHAIN);
cbootsA.setIngredient('a', Material.AIR);
//Add all the new recipes to the server :)

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package dev.coomware;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.PrepareItemCraftEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public class CheaperChains implements Listener {
public CheaperChains(@NotNull Chainmail plugin) {
plugin.server.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, plugin);
//This event priority should make the condition guaranteed
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void chainCraftEvent(@NotNull PrepareItemCraftEvent e) {
//Check to make sure the return value isn't just a repaired item
if (e.isRepair()) { return; }
final Recipe recipe = e.getRecipe();
//Check to make sure the recipe actually exists
if (recipe == null) { return; }
//If the result of the recipe is chains, set the amount to give to 3
if (recipe.getResult().getType() == Material.CHAIN) {

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: Chainmail
main: dev.coomware.Chainmail
version: 1.0.0-FINAL
version: 1.1.0
description: Plugin which adds a recipe for chainmail armor using chains.
author: CoomWare
api-version: 1.16

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: Chainmail
main: dev.coomware.Chainmail
version: 1.0.0-FINAL
version: 1.1.0
description: Plugin which adds a recipe for chainmail armor using chains.
author: CoomWare
api-version: 1.16

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@ -1 +1,2 @@