Admins can modify values in the configuration file, as well as modify individual user's luck stat.
Admins can set, reset, add to, and take from player's luck stat.
Admins can also reload the main configuration, as well as individual and all player configurations.
For this, the command is <b><spanstyle="color:violet">/luck reload -m</color></b> for the main config,
<b><spanstyle="color:violet">/luck reload</color></b> to reload all player configurations, and <b><spanstyle="color:violet">/luck reload -p <i>PLAYER_NAME</i></span></b> to reload individual player configuration files.
In order to run <b>FeelingLucky</b> v<b>1.1.0</b>, the latest version of Paper or Spigot is required.
#### <center><span style="color:red">Note: Paper is REQUIRED for this plugin to run. Spigot is not supported, and support for Spigot will not be added in the future.</center></span>
### <center>Note: If you are migrating from an Alpha build, the plugin configuration folder will need to be regenerated.</center>