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[here]: "SimplexSS JavaDocs"
# SimplexSS
A reactive non blocking api for scheduling runnable tasks (called services)
JavaDocs can be found [here].
# Adding SimplexSS to your project
In order to use SimplexSS in your project, you need to add the jitpack repository to your build.gradle or pom.xml file.
Here's an example, in Gradle:
repositories {
maven {
id 'jitpack'
url ''
Then, you can add the dependency.
The `groupId` is `com.github.SimplexDevelopment`
The `artifactId` is `SimplexSS`
The `version` is `1.0.1-SNAPSHOT`
It is recommended you use either the Maven Shade Plugin,
or the Gradle Shadow Plugin (com.github.johnrengelman.shadow).
plugins {
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2'
Here is an example of the dependency, in Gradle:
dependencies {
shadow 'com.github.SimplexDevelopment:SimplexSS:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
# Using SimplexSS
To use Simplex Scheduling System, the first thing you need to do is initialize a new instance of the Scheduling System.
private SchedulingSystem<YourPlugin> scheduler;
public void onEnable() {
this.scheduler = new SchedulingSystem<>(this);
Then, you should use the Service Manager to create some new service pools. You can use `ServicePool#emptyBukkitServicePool(String, JavaPlugin)` for a service pool which will operate on the main server thread, or you can use `ServicePool#emptyServicePool(String, boolean)` for a completely separate, non-blocking scheduler which can be either singular or multithreaded. You should also use the service manager stream to register your services, and assign a Flux<Disposable> object so we can cancel the services later on in `JavaPlugin#onDisable()`.
private SchedulingSystem<YourPlugin> scheduler;
private Flux<Disposable> disposables;
public void onEnable() {
this.scheduler = new SchedulingSystem<>(this);
YourFirstService firstService;
YourSecondService secondService;
YourThirdService thirdService;
scheduler.getServiceManager().subscribe(manager -> {
manager.emptyBukkitServicePool("pool_name", this).subscribe(pool -> {
Set<Disposable> dispos = new HashSet<>();
firstService = new YourFirstService(pool, "first_service_name");
secondService = new YourSecondService(pool, "second_service_name", 20 * 60L);
thirdService = new YourThirdService(pool, "third_service_name", 20 * 60L, 20 * 60 * 10L, true, false);
disposables = Flux.fromIterable(dispos);
You can then stop, cancel, and/or dispose of the tasks in your `JavaPlugin#onDisable()` method by calling:
public void onDisable() {
scheduler.getServiceManager().subscribe(manager -> {
manager.getServicePools().doOnEach(signal -> Objects.requireNonNull(signal.get())