- Added RandomEffect, which gives a user a random positive potion effect on respawn or teleport.
- Implemented a class loading system with reflections to dynamically load all listeners.
- Adjusted rarity values in the config.yml
- Added a positiveEffects list to ListBox for RandomEffect event
- Adjusted the behavior of the BlockDrops event.
- Fixed an issue where the integrity checker for the main config would delete the entire data folder if the config was corrupted.
- Fixed an issue where the Rarity check was not working as intended; it would either return false if any Rarity other than NONE was set, and throw a new IllegalArgumentException if the switch clause exited with no return value.
- Fixed an issue where the command /luck reload -m did absolutely nothing.
- Fixed an issue where the proper command arguments were not being Tab Completed.
- Added a configuration with editable rarity values and rarity types for the different events that can occur, to give the end user more control over how often players receive the effects.
- Modified listeners to use the respective Configuration values.
- Added the ability to reload a specific player configuration with /luck reload -p <player_name>
- Added the ability to reload the main configuration using /luck reload -m
- Added an integrity checker to validate the main configuration on boot.